
Specialty blog

Who holds you up when you're feeling down?

Happy boy with suspendersIt's just been one of those weeks. Really more like two of them.
It is times like these that I become over the top thankful for six friends that I'm blessed to have as co-workers. I want you to meet these six super stars that hold me and Specialty Box up when things seem very down (and with this sentence I've honored the request submitted by Janet from Piper's Landing. Janet asked me to connect the world of retail packaging to a pair of suspenders).
Daphne Playotes is in her 20th year with Specialty Box and she keeps "The Box" running. Without question she knows more about this business and our customers than I do. You haven't lived until you've had Daphne answer a phone call you've placed to Specialty Box. Don't believe me? Treat yourself by calling her at 800.283.2247. Prepare to be overwhelmed by her pleasantness. She is not for hire.
Ray Wagar is also well into double digit years at "The Box." As the one person who is at our 1040 Broadway location every single day, he's the king of the warehouse. Ray knows how to lighten my day by providing me updates on all afternoon Yankee games. He also makes sure I don't forget when it's Beer O'Clock.
Tim Hodge is a friend from high school back when we both had hair. It's pretty near impossible to define Tim's role with Specialty Box because he does anything we need him to do. It's impossible to put a price tag on loyalty, faithfulness and friendship. Tim is a constant in these areas.
Jess Jones is our graphics department. Because the outside world doesn't talk to Jess, she doesn't get enough credit for the creative energy she pours out on behalf of Specialty Box clients. She translates our customer's dreams into brilliant packaging designs. I'm often moved to laughter by the informal nature of our friendly banter as we work on projects together.
Jason Fialkoff, also in his 20th year with "The Box", is my brother and I'm thrilled to have him as my business partner. I've heard so many nightmares about family businesses and broken relationships. I'm sure that Jason and I have only grown closer as we've worked together. Family, not business or profits, always comes first.
Piper Fialkoff is my one year old daughter and co-worker. When she's not destroying my office by emptying her toys and my books all over the floor, she fulfills a great role by sitting on my lap and pointing to my shiny computer screen. Her presence provides perfect perspective and reminds me why I do what I do.
A short paragraph for each of these people is far from a sufficient tribute to the friendship, dedication and skill which each brings to "The Box." Without each of them we'd quickly and surely be caught with our pants down.
Oh...one more thing: Today is my birthday! I wouldn't want to be a birthday scrooge. Go ahead and wish me a happy 44th.
With gratitude,
Eric Fialkoff

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